45 years of accurate force & pressure sensors

Enabling quality since 1978.


Dear visitors, we are delighted to announce the completion of our 45th-anniversary campaign on December 15th. We extend our heartfelt gratitude to all participants for making this milestone celebration truly special.

novel GmbH is grateful to celebrate its 45th anniversary – thanks to high quality systems that measure reliably and accurately.

Therefore, we want to support our valued users by setting the prices for our well proven products lower when everywhere else prices are rising.

We have prepared special offers supporting various applications, which are so highly important to enable science, economy, and the development of high quality products.


Get an overview of all celebration offers and packages:

Get the most common packages – loadsol

These offers are currently available:

All-Sizes Package:

Buy 2 pairs of loadsol or loadsol pro (types: t/ac/mlp/acp)* – get 3 pairs of same type and cover all shoe sizes.

University Package:

Buy 3 pairs of loadsol pro (types: mlp/acp) – get 3 additional pairs of loadsol pro-t for simple applications and tests.


Research Package:

Buy 5 pairs of loadsol pro (types: mlp/acp) – get 4 additional pairs of loadsol pro (types: mlp/acp) to gather data more quickly.

➢ Get the quote: [email protected]

* 1, 2 or 3 area insole

Analyze biomechanics in detail – pedar and pliance

These offers are currently available:

  1. Pedar-Expander Package: Expand your existing pedar system with pliance (incl. 16 x 16 standard sensor mat with 1 sen/cm², cable and Recorder software) with a price reduction of 45% to complete your data.
  2. Pliance-Expander Package: Expand your existing pliance system with pedar (incl. 3 pairs of insoles, cable and Recorder software) with a price reduction of 45% to complete your data.
  3. Starter Package: Get the pedar E3 in-shoe system with a price reduction of EUR 4.500,00 to start with pressure distribution measurement.
  4. Lab Package: Get a full lab study equipment (incl. pedar R3, wireless sync) for less than 20k to start your own lab.

➢ Get the quote: [email protected]

Exoskeleton development kit – loadsol

These offers are currently available:

  1. Starter Package: Buy a pair of loadsol-t and get 3 months sound output free of charge to start the exoskeleton journey.
  2. Force control development kit: Integrate force measurement and control into your exoskeleton project and research. Find out what is possible and innovate with high-end sensors.

➢ Get the quote: [email protected]

Diabetes research packages – emed/pedar

These offers are currently available:

  1. Add-On Package: Add a pedar pad sensor to your existing pedar system with a free of charge software update.
  2. Starter Package: Get the emed-q/CL platform system with a price reduction of EUR 450,00
  3. Complete-Package: Get the emed-q/platform system and pedar R3 in-shoe system with a price reduction of 45% and start your diabetes analysis.

➢ Get the quote: [email protected]

Update or upgrade options – software

Get the novel software update and/or upgrade with a price reduction of 45% to stay up to date.

  • Upgrade your software: You have a smaller software option and need a bigger package? Just upgrade your system to the next level.
  • Update your software: You are still running an older version of our software and need an update to current systems (e.g. new windows)? Quickly update your software.

➢ Get the quote: [email protected]


Premium in-shoe measurement options – pedar

These offers are currently available:

  1. Renewer Package: Get new pedar insoles with a price reduction of 45%.
  2. Starter Package: Get the pedar E3 in-shoe system with a price reduction of EUR 4.500,00.
  3. Study-Equipment Package: Get a full lab study equipment (incl. pedar R3, wireless sync) for less than 20k to start your in-shoe study.

➢ Get the quote: [email protected]

Hands-on-force packages – loadpad 

These offers are currently available:

  1. Starter Package: Get loadpad standard sensors with a price reduction of EUR 450,00 to start your force measurement.

➢ Get the quote: [email protected]

Analyze horse saddle and rider – pliance and loadpad 

These offers are currently available:

  1. Starter Package Horse Saddle: Get the pliance horse saddle system for less than 15k to start saddle fitting.
  2. Package Rider´s Balance on the Saddle: Get the riders´ loadpad sensor with a price reduction of EUR 3.500,00 to measure rider´s balance on the saddle.
  3. Package Rider´s Balance on the Stirrups: Get two stirrup loadpad sensors with a price reduction of EUR 450,00 for each sensor to measure rider´s balance on the stirrups.
  4. Starter Package loadpad e.g. bridle. A onetime EUR 450.00 price reduction for different loadpads to analyze force, pulling, weight shift or technique.

➢ Get the quote: [email protected]